Wednesday, June 6, 2007

7 and 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners

Hi, fellow Web 2.0 travelers! Welcome to my debut post on Blogspot. :-)

With regards to the 7.5 Habits of Lifelong Learners, I'll briefly discuss my picks for easiest and hardest habits.

1) Easiest habit for me is to "begin with the end in mind", and to "accept responsibility for my own learning". (OK, that's two...but I'm a Libra; picking just one is no fun!) Beginning something usually tends to be more fun than finishing it. And it always seemed to me to be a waste of energy to blame other people for things that are under your own control, such as learning.

2) Hardest habit(s) for me (yes, I can't pick just one) are "viewing problems as challenges", and "having confidence in yourself as a confident, effective learner". When challenges arise, my response is usually a snarly outburst (irritability, occasional tears, sarcastic comments, get the picture) because let's face it, change tends to be stressful. Later, after calming down, I can look at a situation more objectively. Yup, 30+ years on this planet and I'm still learning how to respond with serenity. Re: having confidence in my own abilities, my problem is NOT that I lack confidence. My problem is that I'm a perfectionist and I continually struggle with what is known in the martial arts arena as "having beginner's mind." Nope, not me, I wanna do it all now! Me, look stupid because I don't know how to do something??? Perish the thought! Thank goodness for internet-based learning. Now I can screw up all I want and no one will see! ;-)