Monday, July 9, 2007

Week #4: RSS Feeds for Web Comics

RSS feeds are way cool! Once I started coming up with sites to add to my Bloglines account, it became much more enjoyable. With 23 Things, there's always been the inevitable, "Oh geez, I signed where the heck should I go to find content to add?" I tend to be an internet user who surfs for necessary info and then is done, not someone who spends hours online. This tendency may have been exacerbated by slow-as-molasses dial-up service. Now that I have DSL, I find it's much easier to lose track of time while web surfing.

Current RSS delicacies in my Bloglines roll include Neil Gaiman's LiveJournal entries, Carolyn Hax's WashPost column "Tell Me About It", the Unshelved feed, a couple of freelance writing advice sites, and several of the library-related feeds we were supposed to sign up for. Sure beats visiting website after website in search of fresh content! The only annoying thing is that the Carolyn Hax feed continually sends me the same content and still calls it "new."

Favorite RSS feed? "Naked in the Public Library", in which librarian Ophelia Paine blogs about the joys of ref desk service at Funnyfarm Public (definitely a pseudonym!). Reading her posts makes it clear that I'm not the only person who's driven nuts by wacky customer behavior.

While questing for additional RSS feeds to add to my Bloglines roll, I stumbled across this website that lists webcomics that have RSS feeds: . Haven't had a chance yet to check it for accuracy...or even to see if the webcomics it lists are any good!

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